what you'll gain in the course
  • Better Writers Have It Better.
  • Earn millions more lifetime.
  • Get more promotions.
  • More Respect.
  • Are Happier.

LIVE workshop

Writing Psyche and Life Success

Writing Ability affects an individual's economic, social, and ego as few other things can. It reveals current challenges and recriminations as old as grade school. Like a crystal ball, writing ability can even be a predictor of lifespan. 

An ability to write well means much more money over a career, a higher quality of life, and the respect of colleagues.  

This informative, TED talk like workshop discusses a topic too often given short shrift in HR circles but is those with weaker writing skills who may be in the dark about its all-pervasive effects often lived daily.

Now at last, you'll know. You will have insight into a rarely discussed topic, a rarely acknowledged personal deficiency that has profound impact on the individual. What you choose to do with that knowledge is you.

"Impact of Business Writing on Ego and Income"

Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
02 — Succeed

Invest in yourself and your future success

This webinari is designed for professionals, students, or anyone looking to expand their knowledge and skills. Whether you're starting from scratch or seeking to advance your career, this webinar will provide you with the tools and resources you need to succeed. You do not need to have any prior experience or qualifications to attend this webinar. It is suitable for anyone regardless of their current skill level.

Meet your workshop host

MARLA CURRIE does a deep dive on writing's impact on an individual psyche and earning power. 

Drawing from decades of experience in corporate America, as an  tasked with "selling" marketing programs to large advertisers, Marla honed and nurtured her business writing skills.

Marla created WRITING FOR BUSINESS, a 7-lesson series that to help the countless numbers of working individuals who are poor writers. 

It was during research for the Lesson Series that Marla discovered eye-opening insights about the profound affects on life success an ability to WRITE brings.  She shares what she learned because you need to know.  Knowledge is Power.

04 — Workshop host

Meet your workshop host

Marla Currie is an experienced online course creator and online entrepreneur. With many years of experience in the industry, Anna has helped countless individuals turn their passions into profitable careers. Through this webinar, you'll have a better understanding of what it takes to succeed in your career, as well as practical tools and strategies for achieving your goals.
  • 5+ Years of experience in the online learning industry 
  • Host to over 20+ webinars and campaigns
  • An expert in leading students to success


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